Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday's Menu

Today is slow cooker day, so I'm sharing my slow cooker country style pork ribs recipe with you. It's really easy. You can use either boneless or bone-in (I prefer these), just make sure they're "country style". Not really sure what that means, other than the fact that they're mostly meat, little bone. There can also be a ton of fat, so if you have extra fatty ones, I recommend boiling them for 10-15 minutes before you place them in the cooker. Laying them on top of sliced onions not only helps prevent them from sticking to the pot, it also adds a lot of flavor to the sauce.

Slow Cooker Pork Ribs

2-3 lbs country style pork ribs
1 medium onion, sliced
1 C ketchup
1/3 C maple syrup (I never have it, so I add a little extra brown sugar, or even 1/4 C pancake syrup)
1/3 C brown sugar
1/3 C red wine vinegar (or whatever type you have on hand)
1 t garlic powder
1  t dry mustard (or 2 T prepared mustard)
1/2 t chili powder
1/2 t salt
1/4 t black pepper
Place the sliced onion on the bottom of the crock. Layer the ribs over the top. Mix remaining ingredients and spoon over the ribs. Cook on low for 6-8 hours, or until meat is tender. Serve with a tossed salad (or if you really want to do it up right, corn on the cob and baked beans).

This makes a really good sandwich the next day.

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